Guru Tatea Bulan has five son descent namely Raja Uti, Sariburaja, Limbongmulana, Sagalaraja, and the last Silauraja.
This site was created as a memorial to Ompu Sagalaraja, one of the various sites in the virtual world to commemorate the existence of an ancestor of the Batak people of Sagalaraja.
Sagalaraja raja has several son named based on their land of birth such as : Hutabagas means Inner village, Bangunrea (Hutaruar) means Outer village, Hutaurat, Hutabalian means outside village, Rumapintu, Parbunbunan, Simangariring, and Galungan
Sagalaraja descendants have spread through
out the archipelago, even all over the world,
presumably we can give our contribution to
preserve the stories of history
Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011